What up people. I am sooooooooooo freaking sore from Monday still. I told Justin that if his goal was for me to be too sore I couldn't lift anything to my mouth that he succeed! I am drinking water like a fish trying to flush that stuff out, but to no help as of yet.
That leads me to my next problem I am having today, peeing like a maniac. (do maniac's really pee that much?). The only bad thing about this is that since my arms hurt so bad, its nearly impossible to get my pants either up or down. (let that mental image sit with you a spell). And I am barely able to lift myself off the damn thing. It would be so nice if I had one of these installed in the bathroom, but since I don't, I am damned if I do, damned if I don't. Damn!
Yesterday I was able to drag my butt to the gym and get a little cardio in. It took all I had to pull myself up on the treadmill. I am happy to say that I was able to beat my previous time in doing 1.5 miles.
I was happy about that. Anna joined me, and we of course got some good gossiping in and that made the time fly by. It was a pretty short work out. She had hurt her knee, and I feeling like I had been hit by a Mac truck was pretty much done. 41 minutes. 501 Calories Burned. I will make that up tonight.
Today when I woke up, I realized that I was totally out of EVERYTHING to get my day going. (Okay really it was last night..but.to.sore.to.shop.) So I had to run to Micheal's school then I ran into the grocery store STARVIN'! (yeah I know). Grabbed a couple of protein bars, a couple frozen dinners to get me through the day. Finally around 10 AM I was able to squeeze in a little breakfast. I had a cup of Honey Dew melon (yummy), and because Justin said so a protein bar. This is a Zone Bar. The flavor was Chocolate Almond Raisin (I could NOT tell there was a raisin in there). Let me tell you that this thing was AMAZING! It was so rich and almondy (yes its a word). It was like a party in my mouth. It also has 15 grams of protein. Of course I only got one of this kind. So I am hoping I can find them again next time I am out and about.
That leads me to my lunch. I am usually not a frozen dinner eater. One: they don't taste that good, two: they are too little, and three: they are LOADED with sodium. Well since my day started, well crappy I ended up having to do it anyways. I looked all over for those steamer bags at my local grocery store, and of course they didn't have them. So I thought this might be good.
WRONG! Blech, I ate half of it because I really hate wasting food AND money. But I will NEVER do that again. I also found these new things. The remind me of pizza rolls. Theses were VERY good. And only 190 calories too boot. This was def a keeper.
I then washed it all down with this. Another keeper! Tasted just like Nestea. Add 5 grams of protein and you just can't say no.
All these finds has made me open a new folder on my Facebook page called.
Eat This..Not This. (Yes I am that nerdy). You can follow along if you like. Try it. You will like it.
So tonight I meet with Justin again, this time lower body. The rate I am going I am liable to be total toast by tomorrow morning and will only be able to lay in bed and whimper. He said he would try and help me work on making my stride bigger/wider/longer whatever. That is the ONLY way I am thinking I will be able to beat my total time for my next 5K. Well that and a miracle. We shall see how things work out. That is it for me today. Hope everyone has a great day!
Ok I wish I could write like you, you have me cracking up all the time! You are doing awesome, an I want a treadmill and a watch and a......lots O exercise/running stuff!
And I lurve the Lean Cuisine pizza, although I have not had that particular kind. I will stay away from it, if you say it's blech then thats ok for me! :)
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