Watch Me Loose It

Monday, October 11, 2010

Oh the things you see on the Bayou.

Wow, it's already Monday, how the hell did that happen? This weekend was kinda a blur! Friday night, I decided to skip the gym. (gasp I know) Kayla was working, Micheal was at a football game and David was going to shoot pool with the guys. That spelled out a PERFECT time for me to get caught up watching some Trashy TV.

So I am kicked back in my recliner with the cat on my lap enjoying the remote, and David texted me. Wants me to come meet him. I tell him that I will come the next time (hoping next time wouldn't come soon). And he say's please blah blah blah. After I thought about it. I figure, I leave him at home 4-5 nights a week going to the gym. The least I could do was to go hang out with him for a while and enjoy something that he likes to do. (I feel a Wife of the Year award coming on).
So I got dressed and of course I had to redo hair/make-up. And head on over to The Friends Tavern. Sounds fun enough. Here is where I should mention I AM TOO OLD FOR THIS SHIT! I am not the bar fly type. I don't really enjoy playing pool, I don't drink (well not unless it's for something special), I don't dance. BUT I do enjoy people watching. And let me tell you, this was people watching at it's finest.
First off there was a DJ. This wasn't your run of the mill DJ this was a dude on a stool, in front of a set up that may or may not have been set up on a couple of bar stools. (He was too far for me to get a photo of). Now let me just say this, for being a DJ on a stool he was pretty good. He played some great tunes, I even found myself singing along to many. I was VERY impressed.
Then I met No Shoes, and apparently it was her Birthday. Happy Birthday No Shoes. I never really found out why she didn't have any shoes on, but she was really enjoying herself. At one point No Shoes went on to tell me that the DJ guy may or may not be her boyfriend, (it was really hard to understand her) not to be confused with her husband who was on the other side of the bar. And that she didn't care who found out...But SHHHHHHHHHHH (slobbery drunk shhhhh's). Don't tell anyone else. Yeaaaaaaah Okay.

Then I met Twinkle Toes. This little fella was so happy to be here. He came in giving hugs all around. Then he got in line to play a couple of games of pool. In between the time when he was shooting, he was off standing to the side. And getting down with his bad self. He was working that stick like a...(fill in this blank with any run if the mill working it like a stick jokes). He was loving the DJ on a stool for sure!

(I will add Twinkle Toes Photo in when I get home)

A little while later Crocs with Socks showed up. Oh yeah he did. I will give him credit tho, they WERE LSU crocs. And well you can almost wear anything LSU around here and get away with it. ALMOST. Cros with Socks was a very nice guy. He even karaoked for a while and was really good. After a few songs, it must have been past his bed time because he was gone without so much as a good bye.

Some where in the midst of all this excitement I heard the the DJ yell 'Hot dayum would you look at that black pussy'. Of course the whole placed stopped, for a split second you could hear the crickets that were chirping on the bayou. When I looked over I seen the fluffiest feline with a ruby red collar making his way across the dance floor. No I am not kidding. Only on the bayou folks...only on the bayou.
Around 12:30 DJ on a stool was packing up and it was time to call it a night. The place had cleared out and there was just the die hards left. So hubby and I packed it up and headed home.
Not before making sure Drunk too Much was safe and had a ride home. Drunk too Much AKA Andrew, my third child.(he is not REALLY my child, he works for my hubby and I am like the Den mother to 6-8 guys who some times need a mom while they are a million miles away from home). With that done we headed home and tried to rid ourselves of the smokey stench. UGGG. Did I mention I was too old for this shit?

Saturday I did nothing but sleep all day. I swear I felt like a slug. That's what happens when you party all night.

Sunday I woke up and decided I was going to do a trail 5k run/walk to see how my time was. Kayla came with me and I enjoyed her doing it with me.

I think she was surprised how far it was. I did the same course as I had done for the Run Like a Mother race. I wanted to do a 'live' trail instead of on the treadmill for a couple of reasons. On the treadmill, I will physc myself out. I will start to feel a little tired and will reason with myself....Okay go to 1.5 and then you can stop, and I usually do. Well I thought that I if I did an actual course there would be NO way I could quit (I have to get back to the starting point, right). I was feeling REALLY good about it before we got started.

We left the lake and went across the street to start our trek. That's where I screwed up. Normally I warm up for 5-7 mins before I start running. Well I started running right out the gate. Yep and you guesses it, I blew my shins not even a mile in. I was so angry at myself, I should have known better. I made myself finish. I did not stop. But I found that it was just as emotional/mental for me as all the other ones I have done before. And this wasn't even an actual timed course. I can not figure out WHY this is so hard for me. I work through so many things while trying to complete a 5k. I can NOT get myself out of my head when I am doing this. I find myself talking to myself and battling with myself. It kinda really pisses me off. GRRRR. So I finally finish with a time of 1:03.

VERY disappointed with this. When I originally did the race I had a time of 58:58. I wanted to beat that time. So I went home defeated. It didn't even help that I burned 1073 calories.

So today is a new day. Today I plan on trying it again. I have not decided if it will be the same course or if I will try it at the gym. I have 2 more weeks to get ready for the next real deal. I don't know if I have mentioned this before but I HATE HATE HATE HATE being the last person to finish. The last race my sister was nice enough to let me go ahead of her so that I wouldn't be last. God I love that woman! This time I would love NOT to be the last person or the second to last person to finish. I just need to get out of my head!!!


Trish said...

{{Rachel}} I am so feeling you on this! I have done C25K WK 2 day 3 today and was so tired when I was done, I wasn't sure if I had the strength to go on to 4 miles. But as you I kept walking and finished. I really, really want to try a 5K but I am so scared to run/walk in front of other people. Everyone else running and me walking when I don't have the strength to run anymore. I really wish you and I lived closer, this would be so much easier to do with someone who is going through the same things as I am.

Celebrate the small things, that is what I focus on. Tired or not since Friday I have put in 12.56 miles running and lots of walking :) We are in this together chica!

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